GFWC Walsenburg Woman’s Club
meets the second Monday of September through May at 1:00 pm. in various locations.
This 65 year old federated club is a dues paying organization and accredited member of the non partisan General Federation of Women’s Clubs of 80,000 members in all fifty states. We welcome local women of all ages who are interested in learning about our organization. Contact 719-289-6037 to see if you might be someone who enjoys living the volunteer spirit to work on projects to better the community. Guests are invited in October and March to attend a meeting and learn about membership requirements and benefits. Some of our local programs and projects benefit the Spanish Peaks Library and HuLA children’s programs, the Museum of Friends, the Creative Arts District, Music Education in School District RE1, and the Spanish Peaks Veterans Living Center.
We fundraise and donate to worldwide programs to benefit children through Shot@Life, Operation Smile, and Heifer International.
We appreciate your interest in one of the world’s largest volunteer organizations and welcome you to call 719-289-6037 for further information.